Moving with Purpose, Together

If you’ve been having doubts about your career, you might feel scared, stuck, and alone. Especially if you feel like you shouldn’t be having those doubts! If you’re in a “good” job that you’re not so sure about, you might feel like you’re the only person in the world going through it. Wouldn’t it be relieving to know that you most definitely are not?

I’m in the midst of wrapping up my final coaching calls of 2022, including my final small group coaching call! It’s for my September cohort of PCS TOGETHER, our small group program designed to support members with community and accountability as they discover what would make them happier at work. This program has been such a treat, and as we come to its end, we’ve spent our time reflecting back on the last few months and how much our members have grown. 

One of the biggest things that members have highlighted throughout the program was just how apt the TOGETHER program name is. “It feels good to know that someone else is going through this too!”, they say. 

While our TOGETHER members wax poetic about how grateful they are to have each other throughout the process, it makes me think about community. Isn’t it such a powerful thing? Especially when you’re going through an experience where you’re scared and nervous that nobody else understands, a statement like “I feel that way too and I empathize” can help remove so much metaphorical weight from your shoulders. There’s beauty in knowing you aren’t alone, and it allows you to deal with your challenges instead of simply feeling shame.

Not only does community make you feel better, but it holds you accountable too! It’s like how so many people (myself included) are more likely to go to an exercise class when they’ve booked it with a friend versus solo. Knowing that someone else knows what you’re doing, and they’re in the same boat, is a big deal!

Beyond that, community can help you identify supportive people to turn to when your fears are coming up. Fears are an especially common part of the process of rethinking your career, so this is something I saw quite often with my PCS cohort members. When someone was willing to vulnerably share, others nodded along. In fact, one member mentioned something along the lines of, “Now that I’m getting to the final stages of our work, I’m starting to lull myself into complacency with my job. What if it’s not bad? Should I stay even though I’ve talked about leaving for so long?” Our other members came to her rescue, sharing how they had felt that concern too, and how they handled it. It was truly a beautiful thing to see!

So, knowing how beneficial community is, here’s my question to you:

If you’re trying to tackle something that feels a bit overwhelming, do you know you have a community in your corner?

If not, perhaps it’s time to consider getting one!

If you’re curious about joining our next cohort of Purpose Chaser School TOGETHER, which focuses on supporting you through my PCS process to clarify your true desires and reignite your spark at work, we’d love to have you! Our next cohort will be coming up in the new year, so you can CLICK HERE to submit your email so you’re notified as soon as we share the kickoff date.

To building your community and making big changes!