5 Things that are NOT a Requirement for Career Fulfillment, and One that Is

As someone who helps professionals find more fulfilling careers, I occasionally get asked about the keys behind fulfillment. While having these conversations, I often hear a litany of ideas of “fulfillment factors” from folks, and none of them are correct. 

Here are some of the top culprits that I hear from people when they are guessing what leads to career fulfillment: 

  1. Great company culture 

  2. Prestigious company

  3. Doing work that improves the world

  4. Cool job title

  5. Jobs on the list of “happiest careers”

Do any of those sound familiar? Have you found yourself thinking that “If I just had that *one thing*, I would be fulfilled”? I’d love to hear from you in the comments section whether you’ve believed any of these were the answer before. 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5?

In my experience, though, I don’t think that any of these factors actually lead to career fulfillment. In the last 5 years, I’ve found that there’s only really one main factor that moves the mark here. That is: doing work that is aligned to your superpowers (that you actually enjoy). 

Doing the type of work that is fulfilling to you (and that you’re really good at), is the quickest path to fulfillment! 

So, do you have any idea what that type of work is? If you’re scratching your head and unsure about this, let me give you a quick prompt to noodle on…

What type of work comes easily to you? Are there certain tasks that you do within your job that seem to just fill you up? If so, sit with those and spend some time thinking about what specific needs they’re meeting. Does standing in front of a training room allow you to help lead others towards change? Is putting out fires exciting because you’re problem solving? 

^^Start here, as it’s a great place to begin.

And of course, if you’re ready to fully flush out what type of work lights you up so that you can build a truly fulfilling career, let me know. I’m here to help! You can sign up for Purpose Chaser School here, or apply for a free 1x1 call to explore individual coaching here.

To finding fulfillment!