Creating Your Own Path: The Power of Building a Values-Aligned Career

Is your career technically great on paper, but something still feels “off”? Here’s the deal, friend: you might be in a career that isn’t aligned to your core values, and unfortunately if that’s the case you’ll always look successful without actually feeling successful. Yikes!

We live in a world where external validation and societal norms often dictate what success looks like. As high-achievers, we may find ourselves chasing promotions, raises, and external recognition to prove our worthiness. However, true fulfillment and satisfaction come from within, by aligning our careers with our own unique set of values.

So, what exactly are values? Values are the principles and beliefs that guide our behavior and decision-making. They represent what we stand for, what matters most to us, and what gives our lives meaning. Building a values-aligned career means consciously aligning your professional choices with your personal values, and letting them serve as a compass to guide your career decisions.

So, why is it so important to build a values-aligned career? There are many reasons! Here are a few:

  1. Authenticity not only makes you happier, but it drives better work. 

    When our careers align with our values, we can show up as our authentic selves at work. We don't have to hide our true beliefs or compromise our integrity to fit in. This authenticity leads to greater job satisfaction, increased self-confidence, and a sense of congruence between our personal and professional lives. As my old boss used to say, “the more time you spend pretending to be someone you’re not at work, the more energy you pull from doing great work”.

  2. It keeps you motivated in the long-run. 

    When our careers are aligned with our values, we are naturally more motivated and engaged in our work. We feel a sense of passion and drive to make a positive impact. Not only does this lead to increased productivity, creativity, and job satisfaction, but also it keeps you going in the long-run when you encounter hurdles. Our values serve as a guiding light during difficult times, keeping us grounded and resilient. 

  3. Values alignment is the path to fulfillment.

    A values-aligned career gives us a sense of purpose and meaning in our work. It allows us to contribute to a cause or a mission that resonates with us on a deeper level, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in our professional lives.

So, how can you start building a values-aligned career? Here are a few places to start:

  1. Figure out what your values even are.

    Before you can start aligning your career, you need to take the time to reflect on your personal values. What truly matters to you? What principles do you hold dear? It’s essential to parse those out from the pressures you hear from others about what you “should” be doing, so that you can actually align your career to your values and no one else’s. This is the focus of the first few pillars of my work with clients, and it requires a lot of self-reflection. 

  2. Define success in your own terms.

    There are 2 definitions of success: what you’ve heard is success, and what you actually feel is success. Societal norms drive what you’ve heard is success, and it’s all about external validation. Your own definition of success, though, is what we want to be focusing on here. By redefining this for yourself, you can finally build a career that feels good for you.

  3. Assess your current career. 

    Once you’ve defined your values, you need to evaluate your current career and see how it stacks up. Does it allow you to express and live out your values authentically? Reflect on any gaps or misalignments between your values and your current career, as well as gaps in what type of work is engaging. 

  4. Research and explore opportunities.

    Do your homework and research different industries, companies, and roles that align with your values. Look for their mission, values, and culture to see if they resonate with your own beliefs, and confirm that you’d be doing the type of work that’s engaging to you. Network with professionals in your field of interest and seek out informational interviews or job shadowing opportunities to gain insights and explore potential paths.

  5. Make empowered, informed, and values-led choices. 

    When the time comes to make a decision, make sure your values stay at the forefront! Use them as a compass to guide your choices, ensuring that whatever you do, it’s the right choice for you. 

  6. Last but not least, reflect and realign regularly. 

    While we all kind of wish careers were a simple “one and done” thing that you fixed and never had to revisit, that’s not necessarily the case. It’s important to regularly reflect on your career journey and assess if you’re still aligned with your values. Your priorities might shift over time, so we always want to be mindful here! Be open to adjusting your career path and making changes as needed to maintain alignment.

Ultimately, building a values-aligned career is a continuous process that requires self-awareness, reflection, and intentional decision-making. By aligning your career choices with your values, you can create a more fulfilling and meaningful career that resonates with who you are and what you stand for.

If you’re ready to finally build a career that’s aligned to you, I’m here to help. Not only do we have 2 new ways to write your own definition of success and ask better interview questions (to ensure a role is actually a good fit), Purpose Chaser School also walks you through the entire process of defining your north star so you can build a values-aligned career long-term. So if you’re needing some support, check it out! Or feel free to shoot me a message to figure out what might be the right type of support for you. 

Because your values matter,