Signs You're Drowning in Career Pressure: A Self-Checklist

One of the hardest lessons I ever had to learn in my career was that pressure was not a good thing. I spent years thinking that it was the motivator that drove me to success, when in reality it was sabotaging me day by day. It led to over committing, people pleasing, imposter syndrome… and pretty much every other bad habit I had. 

So, do you struggle with pressure that’s ruining your career? Here are 7 subtle signs that you do:

  1. You’re daydreaming about running away to start a farm 

Ever caught yourself daydreaming about ditching the 9-to-5 for a cozy coffee shop or maybe a maple syrup-making venture in Vermont? I call it the "Hallmark fantasy," and it’s a clear sign you're eyeing the escape hatch. In reality, these escapism-based fantasies are often less motivated by running towards said daydream, and more about running away from where you’re currently at. When pressure and doubts linger unaddressed, a fresh start becomes extra alluring. 

2. You’re stuck in analysis paralysis

Terrified of making the "wrong" career move? If you find yourself paralyzed by indecision, afraid to disappoint yourself or others, it's likely a pressure-driven struggle. The fear of tarnishing the pristine image you've crafted for yourself can lead to hesitancy and overthinking.

3. You’re constantly seeking external validation

Need endless amounts of affirmation that you’re doing things correctly? Yup, this is often tied into the pressure to maintain a certain image in the eyes of others. It’s pressure 101. 

4. You yo-yo between 150% and burnout

Caught in the cycle of overcommitting, burning out, then repeating the process? A lot of high achievers swing back and forth between these extremes, and it often ties into the pressures they feel to overextend themselves. Boundaries? I don’t know her…

5. You avoid trying new things

Ever find yourself sidestepping the unknown, all thanks to the pressing need to "uphold your image"? If you’re scared of asking for help (since you’re so used to being the one who OFFERS help, not ASKS for help), you might be avoiding growth opportunities as a result. 

6. You’re a people pleaser

Always prioritizing others at your own expense? This can be due to the pressure you feel to maintain a certain image, the pressure you feel to be a “good team player”, or many other pressures! Ultimately, you feel people pleasing is the only way to meet external expectations, and your personal well-being ends up on the chopping block. 

7. You’re unable to appreciate accomplishments 

Struggling to bask in the glory of your achievements? The pressure to continually outdo yourself might be overshadowing your moments of success.

So, how many of these can you mark off? Tell me in the comments.

If this list is looking a little bit too much like a journal entry, don’t panic. As someone who has struggled with all of these at one point or another, it’s exhausting to live life with so much pressure crushing you every day. You feel like you’re constantly swimming upstream.

The good news: I’ve been through it, so I know how to work through that pressure so you can finally feel free. If you want more guidance on how I personally alleviated that pressure and changed my mindset (which put me on the road to “high achiever recovery”), I have a workshop that breaks it all down here. I hope you’ll join me!

In the meantime, good luck releasing the pressure. You’ve got this! 

