Prioritizing Yourself in Your Career: 3 Mindset Shifts You Need to Make

If you’re like most high achievers, you might struggle with prioritizing yourself. That’s because many high achievers are also what I call “professional people pleasers” - they put everyone else’s needs before their own. 

If that sounds familiar, read on, because today I’m going to share 3 essential mindset shifts you need to make so that you can finally put yourself first. 

  1. Shift from External Validation to Self-Worth
    You need to stop seeking external validation. While many of us are conditioned to seek approval from others - our bosses, coworkers, friends, and even society at large - this is such a damaging cycle. You constantly seek praise, recognition, and external affirmations to feel good about yourself at work. Unfortunately, though, this can become a never-ending cycle that leaves you constantly needing more! It’s like the treadmill of gold stars that you can never get off of, and it’s so dang exhausting. 

    It's time to shift our mindset from seeking external validation to recognizing our inherent self-worth. Our worthiness as professionals and human beings is not dependent on others' opinions or accolades. We are already worthy and capable by our own merit! 

    Take the time to reflect on your own achievements, skills, and strengths, and appreciate yourself for the progress you've made. Trust your own judgment and decisions, and learn to be your own cheerleader. When you prioritize internal validation, you become more self-reliant and confident in your abilities, and you're able to make choices in your career that align with your own values and aspirations.

  2. Shift from Perfectionism to Progress
    Perfectionism is a common mindset trap that many high achievers fall into. Whether it’s the “gifted kid pipeline” as they call it or something else entirely, there tends to be a lot of pressure here. 

    We set impossibly high standards for ourselves, and can berate ourselves when we fall short. And while it's important to strive for excellence and do our best, perfectionism takes things a step too far. It’s unattainable in the long-run, and a recipe for burnout. 

    Instead, shift your mindset from perfectionism to progress. Embrace the idea that it's okay to make mistakes, learn from them, and improve over time. In fact, stumbles are pretty much a requirement on the road to success! 

    Focus on continuous learning and growth, rather than striving for an unattainable standard of perfection. Give yourself permission to take risks, experiment, and iterate on your ideas. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem, and recognize that progress is a journey, not a destination. When you shift from perfectionism to progress, you free yourself from the pressure of perfection and open yourself up to new opportunities and growth in your career.

  3. Shift from Self-Sacrifice to Boundaries
    Where are my work martyrs at?!

    Many of us have been conditioned to believe that success in our careers requires sacrifice. We work long hours, take on additional responsibilities, and put our personal needs and well-being on the back burner in order to climb the corporate ladder. And you know what that leads to? Burnout, stress, and a complete lack of balance.

    Instead, shift your mindset from sacrificing to setting healthy boundaries. Learn to prioritize your own well-being and set boundaries that allow you to maintain a work-life balance. While saying “no” and delegating can feel hard, it’s essential if you want to last in the long-term. Besides, part of your job is to work in a sustainable way, if you ask me.

    Set realistic expectations when you can, and make time for the rest of your life too. Remember that you’re a whole person, and that taking care of yourself is not selfish, but rather a necessary foundation.

So…are you ready to start prioritizing yourself in your career? If so, you’re in the right place!

Start shifting your mindset and making moves. And let me know in the comments which one of these shifts you need to make ASAP, 1, 2, or 3.

To choosing you,