The Scariest Thing Possible For Your Career

Bust out your candy corn and light the jack-o-lanterns! It’s time for a special Halloween-inspired share… Because today I’m talking about the absolute scariest thing I could ever imagine when it comes to career satisfaction.


Letting your comfort keep you stuck in an unfulfilling and unhappy career forever. 


I was chatting with a friend the other day about this topic. She said she always wants the “path of least resistance” when it comes to her career. She wants to keep things as easy as possible, coasting and doing what work needs to be done, but not more than that. And because she loves the path of least resistance, I’ve watched this friend stay in roles that she was deeply unhappy with for years. While she’d complain to me about them, she’d never actually do anything to make a change because that’s just how much she hated job hunting. The path of least resistance was easier than action, even if it made her miserable in the process. 

Now, there’s no judgment on this friend from my end. It’s truly a “different strokes for different folks” situation. That said, we clearly have a different approach when it comes to our careers! I’m generally willing to take the path of a lot of resistance if it means that it will lead me to a happier place in the end. I’m willing to jump through whatever hoops necessary if I’m unsatisfied, because to me there’s nothing scarier than feeling like I’ve wasted my life away because I was scared of change. 

For what it’s worth, I actually think there’s probably a healthy medium between this friend and I. I should probably be a little more patient when it comes to dissatisfaction, and her a little less. But I digress…

For me and for my clients, staying “stuck” in unhappiness is probably the scariest fate imaginable. That’s why, for the people I work with, they’re willing to put in the work to make massive shifts! Because feeling happy and fulfilled and engaged is the goal at the end of the day, no matter how hard it is to get there.

So, what about you? Are you a “path of least resistance” kind of person in your career? Or are you ready to scale mountains and put in the work to build a happier, healthier career? Let me know in the comments how you identify. 
To facing your fears!


P.S. If you’re in the “I’m more scared by staying stuck than I am by doing the work” camp, you’re in good company! If you need help facing those fears and getting out of the stuck place you’re in right now, I’ve got you covered! Just click here for a free call to explore working together.