Planning Versus Control

I’m what I call a “planner”. Back when I didn’t know what I wanted in my career, I wanted a plan more than anything! I felt confused, so I secretly hoped that a fairy godmother would appear and say “You’re going to do X for 3 years, then Y, then Z. Then you’ll live happily ever after!” 🤩 

The truth that I now know (and that I share with my clients) is that true career clarity seldom looks that way. 

I wanted a plan because I wanted control. But the “10 year plan” approach to clarity isn’t always helpful because it can be so RESTRICTIVE! Not only does it put blinders on that can make you miss opportunities, but it gets you so laser focused that someday, if you decide you no longer want that path, you feel like the world is bottoming out! You feel terrified, like the path is crumbling below you. 


I wish I could tell myself then what I know now >> that the best approach is to look to a north star for guidance, not a perfect path...because a perfect path won’t work out well anyways. 😉 

Since I can’t tell myself, I’ll settle for telling as many of you who will listen… so there you go. There’s your little knowledge drop for the day.

Are you a planner too? If so, I’d love to know if this reminder was helpful for you. Just let me know in the comments - I’d love to hear from you!

To letting go of the plan a little,

xx Chris