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Check below for some of my favorite quotes, recommended books, and free trainings to get you started.



Check out these articles to get even more on all things mindset, coaching and career clarity.

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    my favorite reads...



    The New Psychology

    of Success

    This book has fundamentally changed my life and how I approach obstacles.  If you're looking to up-level your career and commit to change, start by reading this to learn more about how each barrier is simply a hurdle on the road to success.

    The Power of Vulnerability

    Brené Brown isn't a well known author and speaker for no reason!  In this audio book she takes you through her groundbreaking work on shame and vulnerability.  She will truly make you appreciate all facets of yourself at work. 

    The Big Leap

    If you're toying with the idea of making a jump, this book can help get you there! It discusses the mindset we need to make a big leap of faith, and the limiting beliefs we'll be up against.

    The Confidence Code

    A must-read for women in business!  This book sheds light on the importance of confidence, whether it be instilled from a young age or you're looking to build it up now. If you wonder why you're so qualified yet your male counterparts are getting ahead of you, take a look at this one. 

    Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

    Whether you're an introvert or an extravert, this fabulous book sheds light on why we need both personality types.  The world we live in favors extraverts, but both groups can harness their own strength and need each other to thrive.  The Civil Rights movement needed both Martin Luther King Jr., the extraverted orator, and Rosa Parks, the quiet and strong introvert, to accomplish different goals.  Read this book to better understand the needs and balance of both types. 

    Strengthsfinder 2.0

    Because all development is fun! There are many personality type indicators out there (I'm a Myers Briggs practitioner myself), but this one is certainly a fun one to identify your strengths.  This can be used in line with your purpose to develop a fulfilling career.

    The Purpose Economy

    If you’re feeling the need for a more fulfilling career, you’re not alone. In fact, Aaron Hurst argues that we’re in the time of an entire purpose revolution. Learn why in his book.

    The Four Tendencies

    Looking for a quick insight into your preferences? This book by Gretchen Rubin is a great find! Learn more about yourself, and how to make habits stick.


    If you want to learn about motivation, look no further! In this book, Daniel Pink takes down the “carrot and the stick” management theory, and instead teaches about the need for autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

    The Five Minute Journal

    I have a lot of clients who say they want to become journalers, but they don't know how.  In fact, when I talk about the topic of morning rituals, this is one of the most frequently asked questions!  

    "I know there are tons of benefits to starting your day out right, but how do I find the time?!"

    It's easy to feel like we need to dedicate 30 more minutes each day, and that can be overwhelming.  Instead, I've fallen in love with the 5 minute journal, and always recommend it to clients.  There are only a few questions, so no matter how hectic your day is, you'll start out on the right foot.  This is a perfect journal for those who are traveling or struggle to carve out more time each day.

     some of my favorite quotes