How to get Un-stuck within your career: the power of buy in

Have you ever felt stuck in your career? If you’re here, I bet you have… so let’s talk about the fix. 
Once you start thinking you could feel “more” from your career, you might think you’re the only one in the world who gets it. “How can I be so successful and simultaneously SO lost?!” you think to yourself. You might even start to wonder if it’s because you’re too difficult to please! If the last 6 years in business have proven anything to me, though, it’s that this challenge is WAY more common than you think. It just doesn’t seem that way because most high achievers are great at pretending that everything is fine, even when it’s not. 

That’s why I want to share with you a true look behind the curtain at how people are feeling. So get ready to have your heart broken into 1 million little pieces…

Here are a few things that I’ve heard from clients when we first started working together:

Talk about devastating, huh?

It’s not lost on me that people invite me into their lives at one of their most vulnerable points ever, and it breaks my heart to see them like this. But personally, I think it’s important to share this so you realize how many people are out there feeling just like you. Lost, anxious, and stuck, spinning out in analysis paralysis, wondering what would finally make their fizzling career spark return. 

So, if that’s you, what do you need? 

I’m glad you asked. 😉

If you’re stuck in analysis paralysis, I’d bet that you’re missing one crucial thing: buy-in. That’s why you’re feeling like the path forward is so unclear… Because you’re not bought in on anything. 

  •  Do I stay or do I go? IDK

  •  Do I need to start over? IDK

  •  Is there a way to feel happier here? IDK

  •  Should I move into the woods and start a hobby farm instead? IDK

I don't know, I don’t know, I don’t know. 

You’re not even 100% committed to whether you can make your current path work or not, and therein lies the problem. 

If you’re feeling stuck in this space, you always need to start with buy-in. And I’m going to tell you exactly how to get that.

The way to get buy-in is to clarify your values and needs, and then understand how your opportunities match to those. That way you can be 100% sure that any decision you’re making is because IT is suited to YOU (versus the other way around that most people approach it, which is contorting yourself to fit the opportunity). Buy-in takes consideration, lots of self-awareness, and trust. 

That’s why, for every one of those clients above who was struggling at the start of our work, we focused on the same thing: helping them to get back in touch with themselves, identify their values, and turn those things into a rubric for what a “good” career even means to them. Because that way, those folks were all able to understand themselves well enough to start making career decisions they were bought in on, both in the short term and the long term. 

So, do you want the kind of confidence and clarity that comes with really knowing yourself? If so, get buy-in by asking yourself the right questions. It’s the smartest place to start. 

And if you’re needing some support building out your rubric and identifying your values for your career, don’t forget that PCS TOGETHER starts next week! In TOGETHER, I help you build the exact kind of individualized career rubric that I helped each client above work on, so that they could establish confidence and buy-in on their path forward. Because what we don’t want is you continuing to spin in analysis paralysis, considering all of the options of what you could do without actually moving forward. That’s not the move, bestie. 

As Ron Swanson says, “Never half-ass two things, whole-ass one thing.”

So, for those of you looking for buy-in, I’ve got you covered. If you want to hop on a call and explore joining us in TOGETHER, click here

If you’re ready to get out of analysis paralysis, I invite you to join us. That’s exactly what we’re here for.