Is it time for a stepping stone job?

Have you heard of the concept of stepping stone jobs before? If you’ve been feeling so burned out in your current role that it feels impossible to interview elsewhere or meaningfully consider what you want out of your next step, it might be worth considering one of these!

When I use the term stepping stone job, I’m referring to the kind of job that’s a low-stress transition. You already have the skills and background, it’s an easy fit, it will pay your bills or provide whatever benefits you need, and (most importantly) it is a low mental investment. Oftentimes, these look like side steps or lateral moves. These are the moves that in normal circumstances you wouldn't necessarily consider, out of fear that it’s not an ambitious move, but in a “stepping stone” capacity, they can provide a huge benefit!

Stepping stone jobs are great when you’re stuck in the cycle of making “away from” career decisions because you’re motivated to get out of your role. When you’re so eager to leave your current gig, that you keep thinking to yourself “I’ll take anything…seriously, anything!”... Making “away from” decisions is often short-sighted and ignores the red flags, so we want to be super careful here. Taking a stepping stone job can be a great way to avoid making these, and provide yourself a runway for a strategic next choice. 

Stepping stone jobs are also great when you’re so exhausted from your daily grind that you can’t really show up in interviews or put your best foot forward. If you don’t have the energy to apply, interview, and show up at your best, this might be something to consider! We don’t want you heading into interviews as a husk of your formerly spirited self. 

So, if you’re in either of those positions, perhaps a stepping stone job could be right for you! Think of it like a venture capitalist for your career, funding you and supporting your mental health while you consider (strategically) what’s next. 

And to address some of the fears you might be feeling:

  • Yes, I know that taking any new job will require some amount of learning! Stepping stone jobs are typically best for people who are extremely burned out and have no other option short of leaving their role without pay. For people who can’t afford to do that, stepping stones jobs can work wonders, and take some pressure off of their shoulders. 

  • No, you’re not a bad person for using a role as a stepping stone. You never know how long you’ll be there, so provide as much value as possible while you give yourself room to breathe.

  • Personally, I’m not a career coach who works on optimizing resumes, so I can’t speak explicitly to the impact there. But as a whole, stepping stone jobs are best in the extreme situations, where the alternative is typically leaving without a career backup and having a complete gap. As a result, sometimes stepping stones can be the lesser evil. You can often explain a lot in interviews. 

At the end of the day, as with all career decisions, you need to do what’s right for you! But, I’m curious…does the concept of a stepping stone job open your mind up to some possibilities? Let me know in the comments. 

Cheering you on from here!

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