The Happiest Jobs, For Those of You Looking for a Happier 2022

So, what are the happiest jobs (for those of you looking for a happier 2022)? I hate to say it, but if you’re looking for a listicle about which jobs you should consider, this is a bit of a gotcha moment.

I’m sure you can find plenty of lists like this online, but before you go looking, here's why I think you shouldn't… 

As a career clarity coach who helps clients build more engaging, fulfilling, and happier careers, I’ve found that there’s seldom a one size fits all answer. The path to workplace happiness isn’t typically found in the “right” job. It’s not often found in the surefire “happiest jobs”, though being an ultrasound technician does sound pretty cool. In my experience, people are happy in their jobs when they are doing the type of work that aligns with their particular needs and interests. 

This is why we see such an issue with the one size fits all approach. Perhaps your friend LOVES being an early childhood educator because it aligns perfectly for them… that doesn’t mean that you should do it too! You have to put things through your own personal lens. Think of it like a relationship: just because Peter is a great fit for your friend Mary, it doesn’t mean you need to date Peter too! You need to find your own match. Careers should be approached in the same way. 

So, if you want to be happier at work, where do you start? Begin by clarifying WHAT type of work you like to do, and HOW you like to do it. These are the two main categories that I discuss with my clients. Your “what” needs are about the type of work you like to do. What tasks, what activities, and why (most importantly)? What do your interests in work say about you as a person? By doing XYZ task and feeling engaged, what can that tell us about your needs in order to feel fulfilled? Your “how” needs, alternatively, are about all of the logistic-y things day to day. How do you work best? What type of team, manager, hours, culture, etc. do you need to thrive? 

By figuring out your unique set of what and how needs, you can develop a personal lens which can then tell us the happiest job for you. So please, I beg of you friend, stop taking a one size fits all approach and looking for the “happiest” job. You aren’t just like everyone else, and you deserve a professional path that’s just as unique as you are. 


P.S. If you’re curious about your unique “what” and “how” needs, and you’re ready to take the time to find your happiest fit, I’m here to help! Shoot me an email at, or click HERE to apply for an exploratory call. We will help you find your OWN lens for success.

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