10 Signs You’re Having an Existential Crisis in Your Career

The existential career crisis: something so common, but rarely discussed. While we see endless narratives in the media of middle aged men going through their “mid-life crisis” and buying a new convertible, we seldom see images of people in their quarter-life crisis, questioning everything and rethinking their career. 

In my last 6 years in business, though, I’ve learned that this kind of existential career crisis is relatively normal. Not only did I go through it myself almost a decade ago, but I’ve helped countless clients with this in my business, so I know just how common it is! 

Curious about whether you’re currently in one?! Look no further. Here are the top signs that indicate you’re going through your very own existential career crisis:

  1. You got where you wanted in your career, but everything feels wrong
    Perhaps you’re in your dream job, or you finally reached a goal you aspired to for years - either way, something feels “off” and you can’t quite place it. You try to shake the feeling, but it keeps popping up out of nowhere. 

  2. You feel like you lost your spark
    You’ve always been someone who is engaged when it comes to your career, but recently…not so much. You feel like you’re no longer excited by your career or the work you used to enjoy. You don’t feel like yourself lately, and it’s got you sweatin’. 

  3. You’ve been trying to convince yourself that you feel happier than you really are
    You’re in the classic “self-gaslighting” cycle. You hear a little whisper of doubt in the back of your head, talk yourself out of it because “it’s not that bad”, rinse and repeat. You’re constantly feeling the friction of going in circles, and your emotions fluctuate from day to day. 

  4. You feel like you “fell into” your job 
    Recently you’ve realized that you haven’t played an active role in your career. It feels as if you closed your eyes, blacked out, and suddenly arrived at your current situation. You’re not totally sure how (or if) you “picked” your industry, or if you just fell into it. Do you like it, or are you just good at it? Did you pick this path, or did you take it because it was the easiest next step? You’re not bought in on where you’re at, and it’s pretty terrifying. 

  5. You don’t truly know yourself
    When it comes to the idea of “following your purpose”, you have no idea what that means. What do you even like? Who are you?! You worry that you’re broken, and there’s nothing you’d ever enjoy more than what you’re currently doing. 

  6. You’re reading every self-help book and taking quizzes online, hoping for answers
    You’re looking externally for answers, taking every quiz you can find online to identify your strengths, and reading books like What Color is Your Parachute?. You’re hoping something will finally spark a lightbulb moment.

  7. You daydream about starting a farm 
    Or a coffee shop, or a yoga studio, or a dog rescue… You’re constantly romanticizing other careers and industries, thinking that if you could just do that, things would be better. You never actually do it, though. 

  8. You can’t trust yourself anymore
    Since you’ve realized that the thing you thought you wanted isn’t what you want, you’re at a loss. You worry that you can’t trust yourself to make “good” career decisions anymore, because clearly at some point, this is what you wanted! As a result, you’re unable to move forward and take action. 

  9. You overanalyze
    You’re deeply entrenched in analysis paralysis. You feel like there are so many options of where you could go from here, but you’re missing a framework against which to vet your options, and as a result you don’t know which things are a yes for you and which are a no for you. You don’t know how to pick the right next step, and as a result end up taking no action at all. 

  10. You have no idea how to get back on track
    You have no clue what steps you need to take in order to get “un-stuck”. 
    So, how many of these experiences can you mark off on your existential crisis bingo card? A couple? All of them? Let me know in the comments.

And for what it’s worth, if you are going through your existential career crisis, you’re in the right place. I’ve built my entire business around helping high achievers through their existential crisis moments, and I personally have experienced it too. As someone who has made it out the other side, know that it’s possible to find peace again. You don’t have to second-guess your career forever. Instead, you can turn inwards, self-reflect, find your purpose, and get un-stuck, moving forward with confidence and clarity. It simply starts with releasing the pressure of what you “should” do so that you can clarify what you want to do. That, my friend, is where all the good stuff happens. 

When you’re ready, I’m here to help!


P.S. Wanting to get help tout suite? You can head here to check out my self-paced program Purpose Chaser School, which guides you through my framework with clients. You can start it immediately! ;)